Aubrey Berish

Motivated instructional designer with 9+ years of experience. Wide skill wheelhouse for video, document and in-person training, highly experienced in building interactive and gamified on-demand learning.

Work Experience

Instructional Designer
ESET LLC, San Diego, CA

  • Key Achievement — Developed games and interactive exercises as part of large on-demand compliance training, which was then sold as a paid product and went on to bring $50k+ monthly sales
  • Developed dozens of on-demand training modules for sales, technical support and internal employee audiences, typically within a month. Both with team mates & self-directed
  • Construct interactive hands-on learning experiences & puzzles like Escape Rooms for conferences and corporate events
  • Built on-demand modules as part of development team for large-scale online certification training program. Program successfully certified hundreds of US companies and has now been deployed internationally
  • Created, organized and ran ILT sessions for new products, new hires, and internal corporate systems training. Both in-person and remote sessions
  • Assisted in LMS and systems management, enrolling users and reporting. Built some LMS functionality (certificate generator) for a new platform

Instructional Design and LMS Management Internship
DJO Global, Carlsbad, CA

  • Develop & publish medical sales training using Articulate Studio
  • Manage LMS, including user enrollment, content management and test creation
  • Assistant tasks for coordinating trainee facilities and air travel for ILT sessions

Key Skills

  • Articulate Storyline, including advanced functionality for interactive content
  • Hosting and facilitating ILT sessions
  • Video Shooting & Editing
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Graphic Design
  • Javascript, HTML
  • Voice-overs for on-demand training, including post-production polish
  • Small electronics & microcontrollers (such as Arduino)
  • Flexibility and Adapatability
  • Ability to be self-directed and self-managing on projects


Bachelor's in Arts & Technology
Cal State San Marcos, San Diego CA