Cybersecurity Detective Game

I developed 3 games as part of a compliance training package my company sold. Each game's purpose was to let trainees apply knowledge they'd learned in a preceding video, with the objective of creating something more applicable and memorable for the learner than a basic quiz. This particular game is the most technically accomplished, and went from concept to completion in a space of 3 full weeks.

In this course, users are able to freely explore a room, hunting for suspicious objects. The game's score is based on time & how long it takes a user to find all items and explain what the issue is with each. The goal is the learner is able to transfer these skills to their own real life.

My Role In This Project

Conceptualize and storyboard the games, writing all the dialogue & questions. Build a prototype of each game for internal review prior to full build. Build all interactions including the interactive "sliding room," score-keeping and time-keeping functionality. Write the extra javascript and branching logic to tie these games in with videos and framework built by fellow IDs. Support the games post-publish, answering trainee questions & fixing bugs from feedback.

Performance Intervention: Branching Ethical Choices Training

I developed this self-paced, interactive course as part of my role supporting internal corporate training, requested by the company's HR team. The objective of this training was to encourage employees to apply ethical behavior in their-day-to-day work.

In this course, users are presented with scenarios and encouraged to respond however they'd like. Users then see the results of their actions (good or bad), and the course debriefs on what would be most ethical here and why, tying back to company policies.

My Role In This Project

Write & storyboard scenarios based on corporate ethics policy documents. Build branching functionality for different learner choices. Build "speedometer" mechanic to indicate player's score cumulative across scenarios. Work with SMEs to ensure scenarios match real-world experiences as closely as possible

Self-paced Sales Training With "Dating Game" Quiz

I developed this product sales training (and many similar to it) as part of my typical project load as an instructional designer for ESET. This course had three goals: teach the purpose of the product, the concept of cloud computing itself, and provide an interactive way for trainees to simulate sales conversations about the product.

The sales scenarios take the form of a "dating app" where learners must select if a possible custmer seems like a good fit for the product, then in some cases answer questions in a follow-up conversation scenario.

My Role In This Project

Design and storyboard the slide deck, along with design sales scenarios, working with SMEs to verify content. Prototype the Tinder game. Develop graphics and illustration to match corporate art style. Record and edit own voiceover.

Online Safety & Scam-spotting Live Session

I regularly presented this slide deck for use in our community outreach program, with the goal of educating the general public about online safety and changing their behavior to avoid falling for scams.

The sales scenarios take the form of a "dating app" where learners must select if a possible custmer seems like a good fit for the product, then in some cases answer questions in a follow-up conversation scenario.

My Role In This Project

Work with SME and their existing material to distill and refine content, creating a slide deck based around action items. Adapt and teach this deck to a variety of audiences, from senior citizens to high school students. Educate myself enough on the core material to answer learner Q&A sessions without a SME present.

Online Presentation Skils Live Session

This is another instructor-led training I built as part of a company-wide event. After the company transitioned to work-from-home during 2020, the training dept reached out to other groups within the company and discovered that many employees felt uncomfortable and lacked confidence to do presentations via the internet.

My Role In This Project

Work with SME and their existing material to distill and refine content, creating a slide deck based around action items. Adapt and teach this deck to a variety of audiences, from senior citizens to high school students. Educate myself enough on the core material to answer learner Q&A sessions without a SME present.